RFC822 date strings vs. current practice

William Lee Irwin III wli@holomorphy.com
Sat, 16 Nov 2002 17:45:21 -0800

These don't appear to actually show up as mailers commonly format them:


Cc:     linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org, trivial@rustcorp.com.au
From:   Olaf Dietsche <olaf.dietsche#list.linux-kernel@t-online.de>
To:     Chris Wedgwood <cw@f00f.org>
Subject: Re: [PATCH] 2.5.47: strdup()
Date:   Sun, 17 Nov 2002 02:37:27 +0100

The implementation in Time.lhs appears to follow the RFC to the letter,
which doesn't match current practice.

The following appears to match current practice somewhat more closely:

genDate =
                t <- getClockTime
                c <- toCalendarTime t
                let gmtOff = ctTZ c `div` 36
                let gmtSgn = gmtOff >= 0
                let gmtAbs = abs gmtOff
                let hrStr = (if gmtOff < 0 then "-" else "+") ++ (if gmtAbs < 10
00 then "0" else "") ++ show gmtAbs
                return $ (formatCalendarTime defaultTimeLocale "%a, %_d %b %Y %H
:%M:%S " c) ++ hrStr