Beginner's question: Memo functions in Haskell

Arjan van IJzendoorn
Wed, 5 Jun 2002 13:11:32 +0200

Hallo Matthias,

> However, the runtime performance is less pleasing as certain
> subexpressions are computed over and over again

There is a Memo module included with Hugs. I justed

(profiling with ghc
> showed that the function k' (see code below) is called 1425291 times
> in a toy example).
> In a non-functional implementation I would now set up an auxillary
> data structure (e.g. a hash table) for caching/memorizing some
> intermediate results.  How would this be done (elegantly, efficiently,
> by a Haskell-beginner) in Haskell?
> So far, I have seen code using lists to speed up fib(n).  In my case
> the arguments of k' are Int -> String -> String, and I don't expect a
> simple list of tuples (Int, String, String, RESULT) to be efficient.
> Thank you very much for you help,
>   Matthias
> [1] Huma Lodhi, Craig Saunders, John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini,
> Chris Watkins: "Text Classification using String Kernels", Journal of
> Machine Learning Research, 2(Feb):419-444, 2002.  Available online at
> [2] My code (actually the first 'real' piece of code I wrote in
> Haskell) is the following:
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> module SKernel where
> k' :: Double -> Int -> String -> String -> Double
> k' lambda 0 s t = 1
> k' lambda i s t = if min (length s) (length t) < i
>            then 0
>    else (lambda * (k' lambda i s' t)) +
>         sum [ lambda^((length t) - j + 2) * (k' lambda (i-1) s' t') |
>       j <- [1..length t],
>       t!!(j-1) == last s,
>       t' <- [take (j-1) t] ]
>         where s' = take ((length s) - 1) s
> k :: Double -> Int -> String -> String -> Double
> k lambda i s t = if min (length s) (length t) < i
>           then 0
>   else k lambda i s' t +
>          sum [ lambda^2 * (k' lambda (i-1) s' t') |
>              j <- [1..length t],
>      t!!(j-1) == last s,
>      t' <- [take (j-1) t] ]
>        where s' = take ((length s) - 1) s
> nk :: Double -> Int -> String -> String -> Double
> nk lambda n s t = (k lambda n s t) / sqrt ((k lambda n s s) * (k lambda n
t t))
> -- a toy example would be the call
> nk 0.5 5 "This is a string." "Here we have another string."
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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