Bug in library report

Alastair Reid alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
23 Jul 2002 18:20:41 +0100

> Not entirely true.  A large chunk of the nhc98 (and hat) libraries
> is copied directly from the Report. 

I think we all copied from the report originally - the problem is that
we fix our copies of the code and forget to fix the original.  The
method I described was intended to let me run off the actual files
used in the report.

> This has been said before, but maybe we need someone to formulate a
> huge set of QuickCheck properties about the Prelude/Libraries.  That
> would root out quite a lot of remaining bugs relatively quickly I
> suspect.

I think we'd want a modified version of quickcheck which generated a
file of results which were then checked by an external tool.  The
problem being that there's a wide range of compiler bugs which can
make a program return 'True' without actually executing the program

With that modification, I strongly agree.
