comparison of execution speed of array types

Hal Daume III hdaume@ISI.EDU
Fri, 19 Jul 2002 16:29:01 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all,

I was curious about how fast the different array implementations were so I
decided to test it.  I wrote five programs all of which take an array
containing 50001 elements, reverse it a couple of times then sum
(modulo) them finally printing the sum.  The programs are as follows:

NormalArray -- uses the standard Array package for everything
NormalArrayReplace -- same as NormalArray but builds a new array
         every time it is reversed
UnboxedArray -- uses UArray
UnboxedArrayReplace -- obvious
IOMutArray -- uses the IOArray from IOExts and everything is in the IO

I've stuck the code for these at the bottom of this message, but here are
the timing results:

NormalArray               1.65u 0.20s 0:01.89 97.8%
NormalArrayReplace        2.40u 0.08s 0:02.56 96.8%
UnboxedArray              0.80u 0.04s 0:00.87 96.5%
UnboxedArrayReplace       1.83u 0.07s 0:01.99 95.4%
IOMutArray                0.60u 0.03s 0:01.09 57.7%

clearly IOMutArray is the best, even outperforming the
UnboxedArray.  Unfortunately, writing code in the IOMutArray format is
much uglier than writing it in the UnboxedArray or NormalArray formats,
even though I know that I'm never going to refer to an old version of the
array, so inplace updates are a-okay.

So my question is: how can I get better performance without wrapping
everything in the IO (or some other) monad?

 - Hal

Source code:

-- NormalArray:
module Main

import Data.Array

testArray :: Array Int Int
testArray = array (0,50000) [(i, (19*i+23) `mod` 911) | i <- [0..50000]]

reverseArray :: Array Int Int -> Array Int Int
reverseArray arr = 
    arr // [(50000-i, arr!i) | i <- [0..50000]]

sumArrayMod :: Array Int Int -> Int
sumArrayMod arr = sumArrayMod' low 0
    where sumArrayMod' pos sum 
                         | pos > high = sum
                         | otherwise  = sumArrayMod' (pos+1) ((sum +
arr!pos) `mod` 911)
          (low,high) = bounds arr

main = print $ sumArrayMod $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $
reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray testArray

-- NormalArrayReplace:
module Main

import Data.Array

testArray :: Array Int Int
testArray = array (0,50000) [(i, (19*i+23) `mod` 911) | i <- [0..50000]]

reverseArray :: Array Int Int -> Array Int Int
reverseArray arr = 
    array (0,50000) [(50000-i, arr!i) | i <- [0..50000]]

sumArrayMod :: Array Int Int -> Int
sumArrayMod arr = sumArrayMod' low 0
    where sumArrayMod' pos sum 
                         | pos > high = sum
                         | otherwise  = sumArrayMod' (pos+1) ((sum +
arr!pos) `mod` 911)
          (low,high) = bounds arr

main = print $ sumArrayMod $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $
reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray testArray

-- UnboxedArray:
module Main

import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed

testArray :: UArray Int Int
testArray = array (0,50000) [(i, (19*i+23) `mod` 911) | i <- [0..50000]]

reverseArray :: UArray Int Int -> UArray Int Int
reverseArray arr = 
    arr // [(50000-i, arr!i) | i <- [0..50000]]

sumArrayMod :: UArray Int Int -> Int
sumArrayMod arr = sumArrayMod' low 0
    where sumArrayMod' pos sum 
                         | pos > high = sum
                         | otherwise  = sumArrayMod' (pos+1) ((sum +
arr!pos) `mod` 911)
          (low,high) = bounds arr

main = print $ sumArrayMod $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $
reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray testArray

-- UnboxedArrayReplace
module Main

import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array.Unboxed

testArray :: UArray Int Int
testArray = array (0,50000) [(i, (19*i+23) `mod` 911) | i <- [0..50000]]

reverseArray :: UArray Int Int -> UArray Int Int
reverseArray arr = 
    array (0,50000) [(50000-i, arr!i) | i <- [0..50000]]

sumArrayMod :: UArray Int Int -> Int
sumArrayMod arr = sumArrayMod' low 0
    where sumArrayMod' pos sum 
                         | pos > high = sum
                         | otherwise  = sumArrayMod' (pos+1) ((sum +
arr!pos) `mod` 911)
          (low,high) = bounds arr

main = print $ sumArrayMod $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray $
reverseArray $ reverseArray $ reverseArray testArray

-- IOMutArray:
module Main

import IOExts
import Monad

testArray :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
testArray = newIOArray (0,50000) 0 >>= \arr ->
            mapM_ (uncurry (writeIOArray arr)) [(i, (19*i+23) `mod` 911) |
i <- [0..50000]] >>
            return arr

reverseArray :: IOArray Int Int -> IO ()
reverseArray arr = 
    mapM_ (\i -> readIOArray arr i >>=         \oldi ->
                 readIOArray arr (50000-i) >>= \oldj ->
                 writeIOArray arr i oldj >>
                 writeIOArray arr (50000-i) oldi) [0..25000]

sumArrayMod :: IOArray Int Int -> IO Int
sumArrayMod arr = foldM (\s p -> readIOArray arr p >>= return . (`mod`
911) . (s+)) 0 [0..50000]

main = testArray >>= \a -> reverseArray a >> reverseArray a >>
reverseArray a >> reverseArray a >> reverseArray a >> reverseArray a >>
sumArrayMod a >>= print

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers    |
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |