Explicit Universal Quantification Bug?
Jay Cox
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 11:07:23 -0600 (CST)
I'm trying to learn more about Explicit Universal Quantification so I
decide to run the following supposedly correct code from the ghc user
>module Dummy where
>import ST
>newtype TIM s a = TIM (ST s (Maybe a))
>runTIM :: (forall s. TIM s a) -> Maybe a
>runTIM t = case t of {TIM l -> runST l}
however when i try to actually compile it with ghc 5.02.1 it
gives this error
C:\exp>ghc -fglasgow-exts -package lang x.lhs
Inferred type is less polymorphic than expected
Quantified type variable `s' escapes
It unifies with `s1', which is mentioned in the environment
The following variables in the environment mention `s1'
l :: ST s1 (Maybe a)
Signature type: forall s. ST s a1
Type to generalise: ST s1 (Maybe a)
When checking an expression type signature
In the first argument of `runST', namely `l'
In a case alternative: runST l
so, is this a bug?
I noticed also the following code compiles fine. (slightly modified
from a message on this list titled "Re: Type problem with ST monad"
dating April 23, 1999
>module Dummy where
>import ST
>newtype TIM s a = TIM (ST s (Maybe a))
>runTIM :: (forall s. TIM s a) -> Maybe a
>runTIM t = runST (deTIM t)
>deTIM (TIM t) = t
so, is using a pattern matching function the truly accepted way instead of
using the case statement mentioned in the docs? Is the ghc manual
Jay Cox