H98 Report: expression syntax glitch

Ross Paterson ross@soi.city.ac.uk
Mon, 25 Feb 2002 15:59:40 +0000

On Mon, Feb 25, 2002 at 03:38:39PM +0000, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
> nhc98 manages to parse and compile both expressions with ease, no doubt
> because it uses parser combinators rather than a table-driven mechanism.

Yes, but it reports type errors for the variants

	f x = (\x -> x*x .)
	g x = (if x then 1 else 2 +)

and it accepts

	h = (let op x y = y in 3 `op`)

so I suspect it's misparsing these as

	f x = (\x -> (x*x .))
	g x = (if x then 1 else (2 +))
	h = (let op x y = y in (3 `op`))

and in the earlier example it didn't make any difference.