UNKB 2002 - ICLP'02 Workshop on "Updating Non-Monotonic Knowledge Bases"

Luis Moniz Pereira lmp@di.fct.unl.pt
Tue, 19 Feb 2002 13:13:29 +0000

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                              UNKB 2002

        Workshop on  "Updating Non-Monotonic Knowledge Bases"

                 Copenhagen, Denmark, July 28, 2002

                     Affiliated with ICLP 2002

 Significant advances have been made recently in the area of updates of
 programs, and, more generally, updates of non-monotonic knowledge bases
 their applications. Numerous papers were published on this subject and
 journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) has decided to
 its Special Issue on Change in Knowledge Bases, tentatively scheduled
 appear at the beginning of 2003, to which extended versions of the
 papers might be submitted.

 Given the strong activity and extensive work in this area, the present
 scheduled for July 28 during the 2002 Federated Logic Conference, will
 provide a further boost to and enhance visibility of the recent active
research on
 non-monotonic KB updates and its applications.

 The workshop seeks high-quality contributions containing original
 results or offering an insightful synthesis of past work on various
aspects of
 updating non-monotonic knowledge bases.

 Topics will include, but are not limited to:

     Updates of knowledge bases, in single and multi-agent contexts
     Revision, contradiction removal, preferring, approximating, and
               dynamic changes to knowledge bases
     Relationship and/or applications to software development, theory of
               multi-source knowledge combination, abductive update
               model-based diagnosis, agent architectures, and others
     Implementation issues and systems.


     Luís Moniz Pereira <lmp@di.fct.unl.pt>
           Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, Portugal

     Teodor C. Przymusinski <teodor@cs.ucr.edu>
           University of California, Riverside, CA, USA

 Program Committee

     José Alferes <jja@di.fct.unl.pt>, New University of Lisbon, Monte
     Caparica, Portugal
     Chitta Baral, <chitta@asu.edu> Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ,
     Thomas Eiter <eiter@kr.tuwien.ac.at> Technical University of
Vienna, Vienna,
     Katsumi Inoue <inoue@eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp> Kobe University, Kobe,
     Nicola Leone <leone@dbai.tuwien.ac.at> Technical University of
     Vienna, Austria
     Luís Moniz Pereira <lmp@di.fct.unl.pt>, New University of Lisbon,
Monte da
     Caparica, Portugal
     Teodor C. Przymusinski <teodor@cs.ucr.edu>, University of
     Riverside, CA, USA
     Chiaki Sakama, <sakama@sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp> Wakayama University,
     Wakayama, Japan
     Mirek Truszczynski <mirek@cs.engr.uky.edu> University of Kentucky,
     Lexington, KY, USA

 Important Dates

     Paper submission:  Sun March 31, 2002
     Author notification: Fri May 10, 2002
     Final papers due:    Fri May 31, 2002

 Send PS or PDF files to both organizers.
 Local proceedings are foreseen.

Luís Moniz Pereira, Professor     http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/~lmp/
Director AI Centre CENTRIA      http://centria.fct.unl.pt/
Departamento de Informática     Ph (+351) 21 294 8533  Fax 21 294 8541
Universidade Nova de Lisboa      Secretary: (+351) 21 294 8536
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal     Email: lmp@di.fct.unl.pt

Teodor C. Przymusinski, Professor    http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~teodor/
Office                     Phone: (909)787-5015
College of Engineering     Department: (909)787-5639
Computer Science           Fax: (909)787-4643
University of California   E-mail: teodor@cs.ucr.edu
Riverside, CA 92521, USA   WWW:

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We apologize for multiple postings</tt>
UNKB 2002&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="http://floc02.diku.dk/UNKB/">http://floc02.diku.dk/UNKB/</A></tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Workshop on&nbsp; "Updating
Non-Monotonic Knowledge Bases"</tt>
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 28, 2002</tt>
Affiliated with ICLP 2002&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <A HREF="http://floc02.diku.dk/ICLP/">http://floc02.diku.dk/ICLP/</A></tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;Significant advances have been made recently in the area of
updates of logic</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;programs, and, more generally, updates of non-monotonic knowledge
bases and</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;their applications. Numerous papers were published on this
subject and the</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;journal Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) has
decided to publish</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;its Special Issue on Change in Knowledge Bases, tentatively
scheduled to</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;appear at the beginning of 2003, to which extended versions
of the workshop</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;papers might be submitted.</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;Given the strong activity and extensive work in this area,
the present workshop,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;scheduled for July 28 during the 2002 Federated Logic Conference,
will help</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;provide a further boost to and enhance visibility of the
recent active research on</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;non-monotonic KB updates and its applications.</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;The workshop seeks high-quality contributions containing original
<br><tt>&nbsp;results or offering an insightful synthesis of past work
on various aspects of</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;updating non-monotonic knowledge bases.</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;Topics will include, but are not limited to:</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Updates of knowledge bases, in single and
multi-agent contexts</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Revision, contradiction removal, preferring,
approximating, and other</tt>
dynamic changes to knowledge bases</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Relationship and/or applications to software
development, theory of actions,</tt>
multi-source knowledge combination, abductive update planning,</tt>
model-based diagnosis, agent architectures, and others</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Implementation issues and systems.</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lu&iacute;s Moniz Pereira &lt;lmp@di.fct.unl.pt></tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Universidade
Nova de Lisboa, Monte da Caparica, Portugal</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teodor C. Przymusinski &lt;teodor@cs.ucr.edu></tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; University
of California, Riverside, CA, USA</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;Program Committee</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Jos&eacute; Alferes &lt;jja@di.fct.unl.pt>,
New University of Lisbon, Monte da</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Caparica, Portugal</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chitta Baral, &lt;chitta@asu.edu> Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ, USA</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thomas Eiter &lt;eiter@kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Technical University of Vienna, Vienna,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Austria</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Katsumi Inoue &lt;inoue@eedept.kobe-u.ac.jp>
Kobe University, Kobe, Japan</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Nicola Leone &lt;leone@dbai.tuwien.ac.at>
Technical University of Vienna,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Vienna, Austria</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lu&iacute;s Moniz Pereira &lt;lmp@di.fct.unl.pt>,
New University of Lisbon, Monte da</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Caparica, Portugal</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Teodor C. Przymusinski &lt;teodor@cs.ucr.edu>,
University of California,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Riverside, CA, USA</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Chiaki Sakama, &lt;sakama@sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp>
Wakayama University,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Wakayama, Japan</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Mirek Truszczynski &lt;mirek@cs.engr.uky.edu>
University of Kentucky,</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Lexington, KY, USA</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;Important Dates</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Paper submission:&nbsp; Sun March 31, 2002</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Author notification: Fri May 10, 2002</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Final papers due:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Fri
May 31, 2002</tt>
<p><tt>&nbsp;Send PS or PDF files to both organizers.</tt>
<br><tt>&nbsp;Local proceedings are foreseen.</tt>
<br><tt>Lu&iacute;s Moniz Pereira, Professor&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/~lmp/">http://centria.di.fct.unl.pt/~lmp/</a></tt>
<br><tt>Director AI Centre CENTRIA&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://centria.fct.unl.pt/">http://centria.fct.unl.pt/</a></tt>
<br><tt>Departamento de Inform&aacute;tica&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Ph (+351)
21 294 8533&nbsp; Fax 21 294 8541</tt>
<br><tt>Universidade Nova de Lisboa&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Secretary:
(+351) 21 294 8536</tt>
<br><tt>2829-516 Caparica, Portugal&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Email: lmp@di.fct.unl.pt</tt>
<br><tt>Teodor C. Przymusinski, Professor&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~teodor/">http://www.cs.ucr.edu/~teodor/</a></tt>
Phone: (909)787-5015</tt>
<br><tt>College of Engineering&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Department: (909)787-5639</tt>
<br><tt>Computer Science&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
Fax: (909)787-4643</tt>
<br><tt>University of California&nbsp;&nbsp; E-mail: teodor@cs.ucr.edu</tt>
<br><tt>Riverside, CA 92521, USA&nbsp;&nbsp; WWW:</tt>
