Final CfP: Calculemus 2002

Calculemus 2002 Calculemus 2002 <>
Fri, 08 Feb 2002 17:29:21 +0100

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                  CALCULEMUS 2002 
     10^th Symposium on the Integration of 
Symbolic Computation Systems and Mechanized Reasoning  

          In conjunction with AISC 2002

        Marseille, France -- July 1th-5th, 2002

About this conference series

This is the tenth symposium in a series which started with three
meetings in year 1996, two meetings in 1997 and then turned to a
yearly event in 1998. It has become tradition to hold the meeting
jointly with an event in either symbolic computation or automated
deduction. This year's symposium is in conjunction with the AISC'2002
conference in Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation.

The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers interested
in both symbolic computation and mechanized reasoning. It has been
recognized that the integration of computing and deduction would
enhance the power of mathematical software systems. However it is not
yet clear which is the right way to achieve such an integration.  The
symposium provides a forum for discussing and investigating the
various approaches possible including integration of reasoning into
computer algebra systems, integration of efficient computations in
theorem provers, and frameworks, languages, or protocols for
integrating both symbolic computation and mechanized reasoning.  Other
topics of interest include the integration of constraint solving
techniques into both theorem provers and computer algebra systems,
environments for hybrid mathematical systems and systems for
explorative mathematics.


   * Integration of Computer Algebra Systems and Automated Theorem Provers
   * Symbolic Computation Aspects in Mechanized Reasoning
   * Mechanized Reasoning Aspects of Symbolic Computation Systems
   * Combination of Logical and Formal Methods with Computer Algebra
   * Connections between formal and informal approaches to mathematics
   * Mathematical Software Buses and Protocols
   * Design Issues for Logic and Symbolic Computing Systems
   * Architectures and environments for integration of software components
   * Heterogenous reasoning/computing frameworks
   * Constraint Solving Aspects in ATP/CAS
   * Explorative Systems for doing Mathematics
   * Case studies and applications

Papers on other topics with strong links to those described above will
also be considered. Authors that wish to present material relating
other AI techniques and symbolic computation should consider
submitting with AISC. Authors are also encouraged to submit different
material to both AISC and CALCULEMUS.

Organizers of AISC'2002 / CALCULEMUS'2002 

Both AISC'2002 and CALCULEMUS'2002 are organized by the three
Universities of Marseille: L'universite de Provence (Aix-Marseille I),
L'universite de la Miditerrannée (Aix-Marseille II), la Faculté des
sciences de Saint-Jerome (Aix-Marseille III) and the LSIS laboratory.


Olga Caprotti  (RISC-Linz, Austria)
Volker Sorge   (Birmingham, United Kingdom)


Alessandro Armando	(Genova, Italy)
Christoph Benzmueller   (Saarbruecken, Germany)
Jacques Calmet          (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Alessandro Coglio	(Kestrel Institute, United States)
Arjeh Cohen		(Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Simon Colton		(Edinburgh, Scotland)
James Davenport		(Bath, United Kingdom)
William M. Farmer	(McMaster U., Canada) 
Therese Hardin		(Paris VI, France)
Hoon Hong		(North Carolina State, United States)  
Manfred Kerber		(Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Michael Kohlhase        (CMU, United States)
Steve Linton		(St. Andrews, Scotland)
Ursula Martin	        (St. Andrews, Scotland)
Julian Richardson	(Heriot-Watt, Scotland) 
Renaud Rioboo		(Paris VI, France)
Roberto Sebastiani	(Trento, Italy)
Andrew Solomon		(Sidney, Australia)
Andrzej Trybulec        (Bialystok, Poland)   
V. Weisspfenning	(Passau, Germany)
Wolfgang Windsteiger	(RISC-Linz, Austria)              


     Gilles Audemard (Univ. de Provence,  Aix-Marseille I)
     Belaid Benhamou (Chairman) (Univ. de Provence, Aix-Marseille I)
     Philippe Jegou (Univ. de Saint Jerome,  Aix-Marseille III)
     Laurent Henocque(Chairman) (Univ. de la miditerrannée, Aix-Marseille II)
     Pierre Siegel (Univ. de Provence,Aix-Marseille I)
     Eric Wurbel (Univ. du Var, Toulon)


Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories: 

- Full research papers up to 12 pages describing original theoretical
  or applied research that has not been published elsewhere.
- System descriptions of up to 5 pages describing new systems or
  significant upgrades of existing ones, especially including
- Work in progess papers or position papers up to 12 pages.

Submitted papers should be prepared following the LNCS guidelines (see and submitted
electronically by sending an e-mail to,
with header "CALCULEMUS-2002 SUBMISSION", containing as attachments
the file of the paper (in either postscript of pdf format) and a
compiled submission form. Please see the webpage for further details.
We strongly encourage the author(s) to use LaTeX.

Authors of accepted papers and system descriptions are expected to
present their contribution at the symposium. Authors of system
descriptions are expected to demonstrate their systems.


Deadline for submission:        February 22, 2002
Notification of acceptance:     April 2, 2002
Camera-ready papers due:        April 19, 2002


Papers submitted to the symposium undergo a standard review process.
Accepted research papers and system descriptions will be published in
the Symposium's formal proceedings, which will be joint proceedings
with AISC and published by Springer-Verlag.

The work in progress and position papers will be published as informal
proceedings in a technical report of the Saarland University.

Both formal and informal proceedings will be available at the

The full paper versions of the very best papers will appear in a
special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation.




Surface mail:

     Volker Sorge
     School of Computer Science
     The University of Birmingham
     Birmingham, B15 2TT

Phone number: +44-121-414-4769

Fax number: +44-121-414-4281