Implicit Parameter Bug?
Simon Peyton-Jones
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 01:50:58 -0800
This bug is already fixed in 5.02.2, which is available now.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Ashley Yakeley []=20
| Sent: 04 February 2002 02:23
| To: Haskell List
| Subject: Implicit Parameter Bug?
| What's wrong with this?
| f :: ((?param :: a) =3D> b) -> a -> b
| f foo a =3D foo with ?param=3Da
| g :: (?param :: a) =3D> a
| g =3D ?param
| h :: a -> a
| h =3D f g
| 'ghci -fglasgow-exts' (5.02) gives this error:
| Could not deduce (?param :: a) from the context ()
| Probable fix:
| Add (?param :: a) to the type signature(s) for h
| arising from use of `g' at Implicit.hs:10
| In the first argument of `f', namely `g'
| In the definition of `h': f g
| 'hugs -98' (Feb 2000) gets as far as this:
| Reading file "/usr/share/hugs98/lib/Prelude.hs":
| Reading file "Implicit.hs":
| Type checking =20
| ...and spins there.
| There's a workaround for ghci, but it doesn't help hugs:
| h :: a -> a
| h =3D f (g with ?param =3D ?param)
| This is very odd, as surely the type of (g with ?param =3D=20
| ?param) is the=20
| same as the type of g?
| --=20
| Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
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