fundeps question

Hal Daume III hdaume@ISI.EDU
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 14:36:49 -0800 (PST)


I spent about a half hour toying around with this and came up with the
following, which seems to work (in ghci, but not hugs -- question for
smart people: which is correct, if either?)...

class Mul a b c | a b -> c where
  mul :: a -> b -> c    -- our standard multiplication, with fundeps

data Commute a b = Commute a b   -- just pair them

-- now, our helper class
class Mul2 x a b c | a b -> c where
  mul2 :: x a b -> c

-- given a helper instance with Commute, we have an instance of the
-- original Mul class
instance Mul2 Commute a b c => Mul a b c where
  mul a b = mul2 (Commute a b)

-- now, we make Mul2 commutative over Commute:
instance Mul2 Commute a b c => Mul2 Commute b a c where
  mul2 (Commute i j) = mul2 (Commute j i)

-- helper function:
i2d :: Int -> Double
i2d = fromInteger . toInteger

-- finally we can make our definition:
instance Mul2 Commute Int Int Int where 
  mul2 (Commute i j) = i * j

instance Mul2 Commute Int Double Double where 
  mul2 (Commute i j) = i2d i * j
-- note that we don't have to define Mul2 Commute Double Int Double

instance Mul Commute Double Double Double where
  mul2 (Commute i j) = i * j

-- we can now test these
i :: Int
i = 3
d :: Double 
d = 5

-- now, in ghci:

*TryCommute> mul i i
*TryCommute> mul i d
*TryCommute> mul d d
*TryCommute> mul d i

Woohoo, even the last one worked.

Of course, like so many things, this requires
-fallow-overlapping-instances as well as -fallow-undecidable-instances.

Interestingly, with -98, Hugs doesn't allow this program, saying:

ERROR "TryCommute.hs":23 - Instances are not consistent with dependencies
*** This instance    : Mul2 Commute a b c
*** Conflicts with   : Mul2 Commute Int Int Int
*** For class        : Mul2 a b c d
*** Under dependency : b c -> d

I'm not entirely sure why....

Hal Daume III

 "Computer science is no more about computers    |
  than astronomy is about telescopes." -Dijkstra |

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 wrote:

> I want to use functional dependencies in a way I've not yet seen: to enforce commutativity.
> I define
> class Mul a b c | a b -> c, b a -> c where mul :: a -> b -> c
> I want
> instance (Mul a b c) => Mul b a c where mul x y = mul y x
> do what I expect: if I can multiply a and b, then I can multiply b and a _and always have the same type_.  In a sense, this makes multiplication commute (in the land of types).
> For a whole variety of reasons, the many (4 or 5 now) ways I've tried to make this work have failed, both using Hugs and GHC.
> I mentioned I wanted typed multiplication to commute.  Let me explain more thoroughly:  suppose I had
> data Unit u v = Unit u v
> I want (Unit u1 value1) `mul` (Unit u2 value2) to have the same type as (Unit u2 value2) `mul` (Unit u1 value1).  So say u1 :: Int, u2 :: Float, then
> (Unit u1 value1) `mul` (Unit u2 value2) :: (Unit Int (Unit Float blah))
> and
> (Unit u2 value2) `mul` (Unit u1 value1) :: (Unit Int (Unit Float blah))
> I don't care if the result type is Unit Int ... or Unit Float ..., as long as it is a) consistent and b) inferred and c) enforced.  So far, no luck.
> A few other questions:
> What happenned to +m in Hugs?
> In general, if I wanted a fundep to specify that a pair (a, b) determined c _regardless of the order of a and b_, how could it be done?  Why doesn't a b -> c, b a -> c do this?  What I mean is that if I have one of a, b and Int (say) and c a Float, then I could infer the other of a, b once I have a single instance.
> And a 'bug' report: in the overlapping instance one-liner above, the Mul a b c => Mul b a c, I can have this in place and write contradictory instances that violate the fundeps that are not caught in GHC.  (Hugs does not allow the overlapping instances to begin with, even worse.)
> Well, that became a clearinghouse for the frustrations of the last several days.  Sorry.
> Thanks,
> Nick
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