How to force recursion

Tom Pledger
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 11:09:43 +1300

Cai john writes:
 | what I want to do is eliminate b,c & d into a
 | recursive function: 
 | insertList tree [] = Empty
 | insertList tree (x:xs) = insertList(insert tree x) 
 | but hugs is complaining about a top-level overloading
 | error.Any idea how to fix it, thanks.   

I don't see how you could get that error from the code you posted,
because the following errors turn up first:

  - Equations give different arities for "insert"

  - Constructor "Node" must have exactly 3 arguments in pattern

If you fix those errors, *and* go on to define insertList along these

    insertList = something somethingElse

*then* you do get a top-level overloading error, which you can remedy
with either an explicit parameter

    insertList t = something somethingElse t

or an explicit type signature

    insertList :: someType
    insertList = something somethingElse