A: Evaluation order, ghc versus hugs, lazy vs. strict

Ketil Z. Malde ketil@ii.uib.no
23 Aug 2002 08:49:37 +0200

Jan Kybic <kybic@ieee.org> writes:

> * Once you have it, the DeepSeq module together with some syntactic
>   sugar permits you to annotate functions as strict easily:
>      -- strictness annotation, to be used as
>      --   f a x | strict a, deepStrict x = annotation
>      --   f a x = the_true_function_body
>      annotation = undefined
>      strict a = seq a False
>      deepStrict a = deepSeq a False

The 'False' her is rather arbitrary, or am I missing something?

Its just that reading the GUM docs, I notice Strategies do something
similar, but they return () as the dummy result (which I think may be
a better choice)

Please let me know if I'm misunderstanding something!

If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants