ambiguous type variables in existential classes
Hal Daume III
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 13:48:03 -0700 (PDT)
Sorry for the incomprehensible subject, I couldn't think of anything
better. I've tried to come up with a short example of the error I'm
getting, but haven't been able to get it too short, so here's what I have:
class Foo p where
foo :: Eq e => p e -> e -> (forall p' . Foo p' e -> a) -> a
-- note, foo is basically supposed to be:
-- foo :: (Eq a , exists p' . Foo p' e) => p e -> e -> p' e
-- but we can't do this directly, so we use CPS
data Const e = Const
instance Foo Const where
foo p e q = q p
newtype Wrap p e = Wrap (p e)
instance (Eq e, Foo p) => Foo (Wrap p) where
foo (Bar p) e q = foo p e q
data DList e = DNil
| forall q . Foo q => (e, q e) :> (DList e)
-- a list of members of this class
instance Foo DList where
foo DNil e q = q Const
foo ((e',p) :> ps) e q
| e == e' = q (Bar p)
| otherwise = foo ps e q
Okay, that's the code. This produces the following error in GHC:
Ambiguous type variable(s) `e' in the constraint `Eq e'
arising from use of `q' at /home/hdaume/projects/NLP/Foo.hs:23
In the definition of `foo': q (Bar p)
line 23 is the line which reads " | e == e' = q (Bar p)".
The interesting thing is that if I change the instance declaration of Foo
(Bar p) to:
instance Foo p => Foo (Bar p) where
...same as before...
this error goes away. Certainly having the constraint on the instance
declaration doesn't really *do* anything since you need to have Eq to use
any of the methods, but I have no idea why it would cause this program to
be ill typed.
Can someone explain this?
Hal Daume III
"Computer science is no more about computers |
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