Evaluation order, ghc versus hugs, lazy vs. strict

Alastair Reid alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk
20 Aug 2002 22:12:23 +0100

>> More importantly, understand how foldl' works and be ready to apply
>> the same analysis and fix to any similar function.

> This is what I cannot do for the moment. How do I find out what is
> really going on. Any pointers to a relevant articles/literature? 

Read the heap profiling papers from Chalmers, York and Glasgow - both
because you probably want to use one and because their analyses of
various leaks found with the profilers can be illuminating.

   [York don't seem to put links to their pages on the web.  Citeseer
   may have some of them.]
You will probably end up learning some of what Haskell's syntactic
sugar really means along the way.

Alastair Reid                 alastair@reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk  
Reid Consulting (UK) Limited  http://www.reid-consulting-uk.ltd.uk/alastair/