difference between (evaluate . runST) and stToIO
Simon Marlow
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:31:57 +0100
> I can't seem to figure out what the difference is between using
> evaluate (runST action)
> and
> stToIO action
> when in the IO monad and running something in ST...they seem to behave
> identically...are they?
> If they are, why do they have different type signatures (one is ST
> RealWorld a -> IO a, while the other is (forall s. ST s a) -> IO a)?
With stToIO, you can do this:
do r <- stToIO newSTRef
stToIO $ writeSTRef r 42
the types prevent you doing that with runST, but runST is safe to use in
pure code whereas stToIO must be used in the IO monad.