Text in Haskell: A PROPOSAL
Ken Shan
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 14:05:08 -0400
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On 2002-08-07T18:26:49+0100, Axel Simon wrote:
> Although other compilers might not, GHC does indeed support Unicode 32 bi=
> characters directly.
Let me clarify my understanding of this point a bit further. On the one
hand, GHC uses Char to mean a 32-bit value like a Unicode code point.
On the other hand, GHC uses Char to mean what files store and sockets
transmit and foreign functions process under the C type "char". These
two uses are inconsistent, and must be separated.
In an earlier message, I suggested that Char mean "C char", and that a
new type CodePoint be created to mean "Unicode code point". I would be
perfectly happy -- in fact, happier personally -- if Char were to mean
"Unicode code point" and a new type CChar were created to mean "C char".
Either way, the (function types in the) libraries must be cleaned up to
maintain the distinction between "C char" and "Unicode code point".
Furthermore, Haskell programs must be able to access both notions.
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When there was no meat, we ate fowl. When there was no fowl, we ate
crawdads. When there was no crawdads to be found, we ate sand.
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