idiom for different implementations of same idea
Dr. Harald Holtmann
Sat, 3 Aug 2002 00:48:22 +0200
> Von: Hal Daume III
> Hi,
> > In similar situations, especially if there is more than one
> useful way to
> > use the various parts of an algorithm, I used often prefer existentials:
> >
> > data Model = forall markup table alignments. Model
> > {
> > prepareData :: Data () -> Data markup,
> > initialize :: Data markup -> ST s table,
> > doThingOne :: Data markup -> table -> ST s alignments,
> > doThingTwo :: Data markup -> alignments -> ST s table,
> > getResults :: Data markup -> table -> alignments -> String
> > }
> I like this a lot! The only problem is I don't think GHC does. It
> complains:
> /nfs/isd/hdaume/projects/MESumm/new/Model.hs:13:
> Can't combine named fields with locally-quantified type variables
> In the declaration of data constructor Model
> In the data type declaration for `Model'
> ....
Yuck, now I remember this nasty problem, each time I stumble over it
The solution is easy, but not very nice:
data Model = forall markup table alignments.
Model (Data () -> Data markup) {- prepare -}
(Data markup -> ST s table) {- init -}
(Data markup -> table -> ST s alignments) {- ThingOne -}
(Data markup -> alignments -> ST s table) {- ThingTwo -}
(Data markup -> table -> alignments -> String) {- result -}
I think the reason to go through such loops is that function like
are not typeable in the current type system. Perhaps one of the experts can
tell us