H98: specialids and specialops
Dylan Thurston
Thu, 4 Oct 2001 17:57:50 +0900
On Thu, Oct 04, 2001 at 01:08:03AM -0700, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> 2. Instead, add the following paragraph to 5.3 (Import declarations)
> "Lexically speaking, the terminal symbols ``as'', ``qualified'' and
> ``hiding'' are each a varid rather than a reservedid. They have
> special significance only in the context of an import declaration;
> in other contexts they may be used as variables."
I do hope that I can import variables named "as", "qualified", or
"hiding"; your text is slightly ambiguous. What about:
> "Lexically speaking, the terminal symbols ``as'', ``qualified'' and
> ``hiding'' are each a varid rather than a reservedid. They have
> special significance only in the context of an import declaration;
> they may also be used as variables.
Dylan Thurston