30th Spring School Theorical Computer Science - Early Registration
Ecole d'ete 2001
Mon, 19 Nov 2001 14:37:51 +0100
24 - 29 March, 2002 in AGAY (VAR, FRANCE)
[Apologies for multiple copies]
This spring school aims at bringing together students and researchers
eager to learn about the fundamental questions which language designers
and implementors are facing those days, and on the most up-to-date
tools that theoreticians have developed or are in the process of
developing (such as games and ludics, or realisability for classical
logic and set theory).
Denotational semantics was born some thirty years ago from the
encounter of computer scientists who aimed at implementation
independent definitions of programming constructs on one hand, and
logicians who provided mathematical tools to this aim (domain theory)
on the other hand. Algebraic tools such as initial algebra semantics
were also instrumental to the birth of this subject.
Thirty years later, the subject has enriched considerably, both in
tools (including connections with proof theory and category theory) and
in coverage and applications (functional programming, state, control,
objects, parallelism, mobility,...). Concepts and constructs that have
arisen in the design of programming languages have found counterparts
in logic, logical systems have found their way to applications in the
form of proof assistants, etc... The rapid development of new
programming paradigms, in which distributed computation takes a more
and more important part, infers a strong demand on theory, more than
With the rise of quite specialized subcommunities (like type theory,
linear logic, pi-calculus, functional programming, etc...), it is
important to keep an eye on more comprehensive training events, that
can address the interrelations between research areas in rapid growth,
and between theory-oriented research work and more goal-oriented one,
with the prospect of solving problems or of improving our understanding
in one domain using tools of another domain. The diversity of the
proposed lectures, combined with their conceptual overall unity (as
witnessed by the very limited number of core formal systems:
lambda-calculus, linear logic, pi-calculus) addresses this issue.
Denotational semantics and games semantics (5 hours) :
Thomas Ehrhard , Guy McCusker
Ludics (4 hours) :
Pierre-Louis Curien, Jean-Yves Girard
Realisability (4 hours) :
Vincent Danos, Jean-Louis Krivine
Continuations (4 hours) :
Olivier Danvy
Compilation, objects, modules (4 hours) :
Xavier Leroy
Mobility (5 hours) :
Luca Cardelli, Cedric Fournet
Security (5 hours) :
Martin Abadi, Francois Pottier
An early registration form can be filled at the following web address :
email: ecole@pps.jussieu.fr
Equipe Preuves Programmes et Systèmes
Université Denis Diderot
Case 7014
2 Place Jussieu
75251 PARIS Cedex 05