Haskell 98 Report

Mark Tullsen tullsen@cs.yale.edu
Wed, 30 May 2001 12:04:49 -0400

Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Folks
> I've finished what I hope is the final version of the Haskell 98
> Language and Library Reports
>         http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj/haskell98-revised
> However, experience shows that bug fixes are often themselves
> buggy, so I urge you, once again, to take a look at your favourite
> passages and check they are correct.
> As ever, there's a complete list of changes at the above URL,
> with the ones I've made since the April release identified for your
> pleasure.
> Comments (hopefully vanishingly few) by 15 June please.

Sorry to get this comment in so late, but it is a small change.
In the List module, the type signature for deleteBy is not as general
as it could be, given the definition.  It could be generalized to
the following (no change to the definition):

  deleteBy :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> a -> [b] -> [b]

I've found it usefully used at this more general type.


- Mark