
Fri, 25 May 2001 14:17:14 +0000

Johannes Waldmann wrote:

> > beyond specific combinator tutorial, are there any generic combinator
> > paper, or introductory ones ?
> what exactly do you mean by "combinator".
> there's the recent area of parser combinators and such,

well, i didnt knew it was new, but , yes, that's it.

ive read some paper on parser combinator, and as im working with haxml, id like to
have some of my stuuf done in the same style,

then i realize i had a tendency to design function that reacted on data (itself),
rather than combinators.
(probably too mucj of "old stuff in my head ;-)

so i would like to backstep , and look at combinator as such , and not applied in
a given context (liker parser or haxml))
which example i can understand, but not easily change my style of programming

so,  reformulation : has anyone know a paper like :
"change ure mindset from data oriented programming to combinators one " ?

> but there's also Combinatory Logic in itself,
> which is a formal system closely related to the lambda calculus.

is this then relevnt for me to look t that, in the light of my previous
explanation ?