Templates in FPL?

D. Tweed tweed@compsci.bristol.ac.uk
Fri, 18 May 2001 11:22:36 +0100 (BST)

(This response comes from the context of someone who like FP but has a day
job writing in C++.)

On Fri, 18 May 2001, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

> We know that a good part of "top-down" polymorphism (don't ask me what
> do I mean by that...) in C++ is emulated using templates.

Umm... what do you mean by `top down'? The two senses in which I use
polymorphism in C++ are:

(i) using super classes (in the sence that A is a superclass of B is B
inherits from A) to perform operations that only make sense for objects of
the semantic type A. My canonical example is working with quadtree nodes,
where a there are various types nodes which can hold different kinds of
data but the base class qnode holds things like position, etc.

(ii) using templates to write generic algorithms which either don't depend
on the object type at all (e.g., vectors, lists, etc) or which depend on
one or two conceptual operations which are very elementary (e.g.,
meaningful equality, addition or a `display yourself on stdout' function).
In C++ these could _almost_ be done using superclasses but with problems

 (A) the standard types (e.g., int) can't have their place in the class
     hierarchy redefined (e.g., int inherits from debug_show)

 (B) deep hierarchies are really not handled well by debuggers and it'd be
     a real pain trying to look at the C++ equivalent of the haskell
     `data A = ... deriving (Show,Ord,Monad,...)'

The almost that I referred to above comes from the fact that
(AFAIK) without using something nasty like RTTI you can't create new
objects of the true type in a function to which you've passed a pointer to
the base class.

That's the conceptual overview. In terms of pragmatics __at least for my
work in image processing__ I don't write classes that much, seldom use
inheritance and I'm 99% sure I don't have any inheritance more than 1
level deep. On the other hand I write a lot of templated code which would
be equivalent in haskell to either

f :: a -> b -> .... -> a


f :: Eq a => a -> b -> ... -> a

(i.e., algorithms that need just one or two low-level ideas such
as equality). I much prefer the Haskell way of doing this with
superclasses but I just don't feel brave enough to attempt the levels of
class hierarchy that this implies in C++. (In some ways this is a shame
since, because in template function names member functions used are only
matched syntactically -- as there's no superclass to ensure semantic
equivalence -- I've made one or two mistakes when I forgot a member
function with the same name actually meant something different.)  

> Always when somebody mentions templates in presence of a True Functionalist
> Sectarian, the reaction is "What!? Abomination!!".
> Now the question: WHY?
> Why so many people say "the C++ templates are *wrong*" (and at the same time
> so many people use it every day...)

In my experience the C++ idiom `you only pay for what you use' (==>
templates are essentially type-checked macros) and the fact most compilers
are evolved from C compilers makes working with templates a real pain in
practice. Additionally, I think a lot of people who dislike them are
old-time C hackers who don't see why it isn't good enough to do
polymorphism via void*'s and function pointers. As to why I at least use
it, it lets me write polymorphic functions without needing deep class
hierarchies (which as noted above aren't nice in C++) or going into the
error prone mire of the void* approach.

> Is it absolutely senseless to make a functional language with templates?
> Or it is just out of fashion, and difficult to implement?

I may be missing something obvious, but given Haskell's well thought out
(IMO) prelude class structure and the fact that deep class hierarchies
with `multiple inheritance' aren't a problem in Haskell, I don't see that
it would buy you anything in Haskell. On the other hand, if the standard
prelude didn't have the class hierarchy I think they would be much more

www.cs.bris.ac.uk/~tweed/pi.htm|tweed's law:  however many computers
email: tweed@cs.bris.ac.uk     |    you have, half your time is spent
work tel: (0117) 954-5250      |    waiting for compilations to finish.