Questions about Trie

Arthur H. Gold
Thu, 17 May 2001 16:21:21 -0500

> "M. Faisal Fariduddin Attar Nasution" wrote:
>     Greeting, I'm a last year student in a computer science field. I'm
> currently  trying to  code an  implementation for a  compression using
> basic  Lempel-zif  technique.  I  use  a Trie  (retrieval) as  a  data
> structure for  the dynamic dictionary aplication.  The problem is Trie
> uses not just an ordinary binary tree, but it uses a multiple-weighted
> tree, where one node  has at most 256 children. Most literatures about
> Haskell show only binary tree for the example in tree or Abstract Data
> Structures   subject.  So,   does   anyone  know   how  to   code  the
> implementation for  trie. Thanks  for paying attention  and I'm really
> hoping for the answer immediately.

IIRC, there's a trie implementation in Chris Okasaki's "Purely
Functional Data Structures" -- that might be a start (there's also his
"Edison" library, which contains many of the components you'd need).

HTH (and sorry if it doesn't)

Artie Gold, Austin, TX  (finger the account for more info) or
I am looking for work. Contact me.