MVar Problem (Concurrent Hugs)
Andreas Gruenbacher
Thu, 17 May 2001 20:03:23 +0200 (CEST)
I was trying to write an abstraction for bidirectional communication
between two threads. For some reason, MVars seem to break:
class Cords c t u where
newCord :: IO (c t u)
listen :: c t u -> IO t
speak :: c t u -> u -> IO ()
data Cord t u = Cord (IO (MVar t)) (IO (MVar u))
instance Cords Cord t u where
newCord = return (Cord newEmptyMVar newEmptyMVar)
speak (Cord _ s) t = do s' <- s ; putMVar s' t
listen (Cord h s) = do h' <- h ; takeMVar h'
otherEnd (Cord t u) = Cord u t
showT :: Cord Int String -> IO ()
showT cord = do
putStrLn "Runnning..."
x <- listen cord
putStrLn ("Heard " ++ show x)
speak cord (show x)
putStr ("Said " ++ (show x))
showT cord
main :: IO ()
main = do
cord <- newCord
forkIO (showT (otherEnd cord))
speak cord 1
str <- listen cord
putStrLn str
Hugs writes:
Main> main
Program error: no more threads (deadlock?)
(131 reductions, 307 cells)
Any ideas?
Andreas Gruenbacher
Research Assistant Phone +43(1)58801-12723
Institute for Geoinformation Fax +43(1)58801-12799
Technical University of Vienna Cell phone +43(664)4064789