The definition of lhsfun in the report

Mads Lindstrøm
Thu, 10 May 2001 02:56:00 -0700 (PDT)

I'am confused about the "funlhs" production, in "Report on the programming
Language Haskell 98" of the 1st February 1999.

In the report one of the "funlhs"-productions is (see page 127):

          funlhs -> var apat {apat}

That is a <var> followed by one to many <apat>. But you can have functions
like this:

          fun :: Int
          fun = 17

That is without any patterns to match, so why is the rule not ?

         funlhs -> var {apat}

That is a <var> followed by zero to many <apat>.

I will be very happy for an answer to my question.

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