List of words

Jan Skibinski
Wed, 2 May 2001 03:36:14 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 2 May 2001, Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote:

> I am relatively new to Haskell.
> Somebody told me that it is a very good language, because all the
> people on its mailing list are so nice that they solve all 
> homeworks, even quite silly, of all students around, provided they
> ask for a solution in Haskell.
> Is that true, or a little exaggerated?

	Not really. No one wants to answer my questions. :-)

	Do you think that this list is the only source of
	easy solutions? See what people ask Google and what Google
	sends to our web server:


	Must be a tough and generic problem. Notice that Haskell
	is not mentioned here at all, but yet Google happily
	directed it to one of Haskell pages here.

	By the way, this is not the longest question that I've 
	seen in the logs. Some are so long and weird that must
	match any web page out there.
