Parameterising Class Constraints in Existential Types
Simon Peyton-Jones
Thu, 29 Mar 2001 23:57:16 -0800
It seems reasonable to me, and GHC is happy.=20
Here's a working example:
class MyClass a b where
foo :: a -> b -> Int
data Special =3D forall b. (MyClass Int b)=3D> MkSpecial b
data General a =3D forall b. (MyClass a b)=3D> MkGeneral b
instance MyClass Int Bool where
foo x False =3D -x
foo x True =3D x
xs :: [General Int]
xs =3D [MkGeneral True, MkGeneral False]
main =3D print [foo (3::Int) x | MkGeneral x <- xs]
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Ashley Yakeley []
| Sent: 29 March 2001 10:47
| To: Haskell List
| Subject: Parameterising Class Constraints in Existential Types
| Is this valid (extended) Haskell?
| --
| class MyClass a b where
| foo :: a -> b -> Int
| data Special =3D forall b. (MyClass Int b)=3D> MkSpecial b
| data General a =3D forall b. (MyClass a b)=3D> MkGeneral b
| --
| Hugs complains about the 'General' line but has no problem with the=20
| 'Special' line...
| --=20
| Ashley Yakeley, Seattle WA
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