Circular Data Types - a directory tree abstraction
Shlomi Fish
Sun, 4 Mar 2001 17:48:35 +0200 (IST)
I want to implement a directory data type where each directory may contain
other directories, as well as end documents. I declared the following
file for managing it:
module Contents_Abs where
data Contents_Image url mime = MakeContents_Image url mime
get_image_url (MakeContents_Image url mime) = url
get_image_mime_type (MakeContents_Image url mime) = mime
make_image url mime = (MakeContents_Image url mime)
data Contents_Node url title subs images is_dir =
MakeContents_Node url title subs images is_dir
get_url (MakeContents_Node url title subs images is_dir) = url
get_title (MakeContents_Node url title subs images is_dir) = title
get_subs (MakeContents_Node url title subs images is_dir) = subs
get_is_dir (MakeContents_Node url title subs images is_dir) = is_dir
make_contents_doc url title = (MakeContents_Node url title [] [] False)
make_contents_dir url title subs = (MakeContents_Node url title subs []
make_contents_dir_with_images url title subs images = (MakeContents_Node
url title subs images True)
Now, I have the following example file:
module Contents where
import Contents_Abs
contents = (make_contents_dir_with_images "" "Contents"
(make_contents_doc "intro.html" "Introduction"),
(make_contents_doc "properties.html" "Properties"),
(make_contents_dir "recursion" "Recursion"
(make_contents_doc "fib1.html" "Fibonnaci (Take 1)"),
(make_contents_doc "qsort.html" "Quick Sort")
(make_contents_dir "lazy_eval" "Lazy Evaluation"
(make_contents_doc "primes1.html" "Primes (Take 1)"),
(make_contents_doc "fib2.html" "Fibonnaci (Take 2)")
(make_image "style.css" "text/css")
I would like to be able to traverse this tree, so I defined the following
import Contents_Abs
import Contents
mytraverse contents = trav contents where
trav branch =
(get_url branch) ++ (trav_subs (get_subs branch)) where
trav_subs [] = ""
trav_subs (a:as) = (trav a) ++ (trav_subs as)
result = mytraverse contents
However, when trying to load it hugs reports the following error:
Reading file "Z:\Download\unpack\hugs98\lib\Prelude.hs":
Reading file "print_cont.hs":
Reading file "Contents_Abs.hs":
Reading file "Contents.hs":
Reading file "print_cont.hs":
Type checking
ERROR "print_cont.hs" (line 5): Type error in function binding
*** Term : trav
*** Type : Contents_Node [Char] b [a] c d -> [Char]
*** Does not match : a -> [Char]
*** Because : unification would give infinite type
I would like to know how I can define a data structure that will contain a
list of references to its own types (I don't need circular data
structures). I would also like to know how I can define such an
abstraction inside a type.
Shlomi Fish
Shlomi Fish
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