strictness question

S. Doaitse Swierstra
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 12:25:33 +0100

I ran into a difference between GHC and Hugs. The following code:

f  (P p) ~(P q)   = P (\ k -> \inp -> let (((pv, (qv, r)), m), st) = 
p (q k) inp
                                       in  (((pv qv  , r ), m), st))

runs fine with Hugs but blows up with GHC, whereas:

f  (P p) ~(P q)   = P (\ k -> \inp -> let ~(~(~(pv, ~(qv, r)), m), 
st) = p (q k) inp
                                       in  (((pv qv  , r ), m), st))

runs fine with GHC too.

 From the Haskell manual I understand that pattern matching in "let"'s 
should be done lazily, so the addition of a collection of ~'s should 
not make a difference. Am I right with  this interpretation?

A possible source of this problem may be origination from the smarter 
GHC optimiser, but in that case the optimiser is not doing its work 

    Doaitse Swierstra

S. Doaitse Swierstra, Department of Computer Science, Utrecht University
                       P.O.Box 80.089, 3508 TB UTRECHT,   the Netherlands
                       PGP Public Key:
                       tel:   +31 (30) 253 3962, fax: +31 (30) 2513791