Type generalization ``order''?
20 Jul 2001 16:17:08 -0000
Simon Peyton-Jones <simonpj@microsoft.com> wrote:
> If, however, you can suggest some specific sentences that would help
> to eliminate confusion, then please do suggest them.
It is, to a certain extent, a design decision.
One possibility might be to change
> Types are related by a generalization order (specified below);
> the most general type that can be assigned to a particular expression
> (in a given environment) is called its principal type.
> Types are related by a generalization preorder (specified below);
> the most general type (up to the equivalence induced by that preorder)
> that can be assigned to a particular expression
> (in a given environment) is called its principal type.
Another possibility might be to leave generalization as it is:
> Types are related by a generalization order (specified below);
> the most general type that can be assigned to a particular expression
> (in a given environment) is called its principal type.
> Haskell 's extended Hindley-Milner type system can infer the
> principal type of all expressions, including the proper use of
> overloaded class methods (although certain ambiguous overloadings
> could arise, as described in Section 4.3.4). Therefore, explicit typings
> (called type signatures) are usually optional (see Sections 3.16 and 4.4.1).
> The type forall u. cx1 =>t1 is more general than the type
> forall w. cx2 =>t2 if and only if there is a substitution S
> whose domain is u such that:
> t2 is identical to S(t1).
> Whenever cx2 holds in the class environment, S(cx1) also holds.
and add a sentence here:
> This implies that two contexts are considered equal
> if and only if they imply the same set of class assertions
> in the class environment.
Instead of ``equal'' one might consider
the somewhat less precise ``equivalent''.