Counting Constructors

Jay Cox
Wed, 18 Jul 2001 11:59:46 -0500

> From: Tobias Haeberlein <>
> To:
> Subject: Counting Constructors
> I want a show - instance for that type:
>         data Bind a = Zero | Succ a
> resp. for the types (Bind ( ... (Bind a)...))
> showing the following:
>         show (Succ ( ... (Succ Zero)..))  =  n
>                 (where n is the number of Succ's)
> and
>         show (Succ ( ... (Succ x)..)) = show x
>                 (when x != Zero)

that doesnt make sense.  You want n to be some some integral type and
show x 
is a string.

> Does anyone know, how to define those functions in haskell/hugs ??
> (Are they defineable at all?)

sounds like you really want something like
data Bind a = Zero (Maybe a) | Succ (Bind a)

instance (Show a) => Show (Bind a) where
 show x = z 0 x 
    z count (Zero Nothing)  = show count
    z _ (Zero (Just x))     = show x
    z count (Succ x)        = z (count+1) x

Main> let {x :: Bind String; x = Succ $ Succ $ Succ $ Zero Nothing} in
show x
Main> show (Succ $ Succ $ Zero (Just "Funky"))

However just because you can do it doesnt mean you should.  Personally,
I would think
data Bind a = Something Int (Maybe a)
even using the Either datatype in a similar fashion could be more useful
(and has a very trivial show instance which would meet your
requirements).Meh, I'm probably doing somebody's homework here anyway.
