Research assistant positions in Bremen

Till Mossakowski till@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:13:37 +0100

The following two research assistant positions
are available at the University of Bremen, Germany.

The Bremen Institute of Safe Systems in the Center for Computing 
Technologies at the University of Bremen hosts the research projects
"Multi-logic systems as a basis for heterogeneous specification 
and development" (MULTIPLE) 


"Algebraic specification + functional programming = 
environment for formal software development" (HasCASL)

funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). 

Within the framework of each of these projects, one position in the 
working group of Prof. Dr. Krieg-Brückner is to be immediately 
filled for at least  two years (additional option for another two
subject to availability of funds: 

Research Assistant 
Verg. Gr. IIa BAT (full time) 

In addition to successful university studies in computer science, 
experience and skills in functional programming (e.g. Haskell, ML) 
are expected. Familiarity with at least one of formal specification 
methods (like  CoFI/CASL), theorem proving or category theory is

Applicants with a PhD are welcome. However, there will also be the 
oppurtunity to prepare a PhD thesis in connection with the research

In case of essentially equal qualification in the subject and personal 
suitability, severely handicapped applicants will be preferred. The 
University of Bremen intends to increase the share of women in 
scientific activities and does therefore strongly encourage women to 
apply for these positions. 

More detailed information about the projects can be found under 

Please address your application with the usual documents and the 
reference number A164/00 (MULTIPLE) resp. A165/00 (HasCASL)
before 01.02.2001 to: 

Prof. Dr. B. Krieg-Brückner 
Fachbereich 3 
Postfach 33 04 40 
28334 Bremen 
Till Mossakowski                Phone: +49-421-218-4683, monday:
Dept. of Computer Science       Fax:   +49-421-218-3054
University of Bremen            EMail:           
P.O.Box 330440, D-28334 Bremen  WWW: