Defaults in datatype definitions
Marcin 'Qrczak' Kowalczyk
9 Jan 2001 18:37:03 GMT
Tue, 9 Jan 2001 09:46:31 +0100 (MET), Johannes Waldmann <> pisze:
> 1) I would like to write down default values for record components
My proposal for remaking records ina more flexible way includes this.
> 2) With classes, we can do even more: in the default method,
> we can access other methods.
And this too.
> 3) I want to be able, in modules that use the type,
> to add more components (with defaults) to the type:
> This would avoid lengthy recomputations (at the cost of additional space).
> Imagine the difference between
> data Tree a = Node { key :: a, children :: [ Tree a ] }
> size t = 1 + sum (map size (children t))
> and
> data Tree a = Node { key :: a, children :: [ Tree a ]
> , size :: Integer
> , size = \ self -> 1 + sum (map size (children self)) }
> when you have one large tree and frequently need sizes of subtrees.
And this too, but it's a bit tricky because a field changes the
type covariantly.
data Tree a = record
key :: a
children :: [Tree a]
children = []
-- A function working on a tree must be prepared for extensions.
-- The following function does not actually refer to the above type,
-- but can be used on Tree Int.
isInTree:: (Eq a, tree.key :: a, tree.children :: [tree])
=> a -> tree -> Bool
isInTree a tree = a == tree.key || any (isInTree a) tree.children
-- Trees extended by size cache. The type below does not refer to
-- the type Tree because the type of children has changed. Otherwise
-- it could include Tree as a field and delegate key and children to
-- this field instead of defining them itself. Well, it could do it,
-- but it would have to store children as SizedTrees somewhere too.
-- I don't know yet if it can be solved more elegantly.
data SizedTree a = record
key :: a
children :: [SizedTree a]
size :: Int
children = []
size = 1 + sum (map (.size) children)
-- Creation of a tree is the same for both kinds. A different kind of
-- context is needed to create a record than to extract its fields.
-- This context includes the context used in isInTree (except Eq a)
-- in its superclasses.
flatTree:: (tree.record {key :: a; children :: [tree]})
=> a -> [a] -> tree
flatTree root leaves = record
key = root
children = [record key = leaf | leaf <- leaves]
I haven't written a complete description of the proposal yet, but
will do it in two weeks. I posted basic info here some time ago.
Some details changed since then.
__("< Marcin Kowalczyk *