ICALP2002 call for papers

icalp2002@lcc.uma.es icalp2002@lcc.uma.es
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 14:39:55 +0100

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In http://www.lcc.uma.es/icalp2002 you can find a pdf

version of this call for paper.


Last information:

Second version of the WEB pages at http://www.lcc.uma.es/icalp2002

Workshops confirmed:

  Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2002)

  Algorithmic Methods and Models for Optimization of Railways ATMOS 2002

  7 th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems

  Foundations of Wide Area Network Computing

Invited speakers confirmed:

  Heikki Mannila

  Manuel Hermenegildo


Call for Papers

ICALP 2002 

29th International Colloquium on 

Automata, Languages and Programming 

July 8-13, 2002, Málaga, Spain 

Camera Ready: April 16, 2002

The 29th annual meeting of the European Association of Theoretical

Computer Science will be held in Málaga, Spain, July 8-13, 2002 (at the

E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática). 

As with the Journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), the scientific

program of the Colloquium will be split into two parts: Track A of the

meeting will correspond to Algorithms, Automata, Complexity and Games,

while Track B to Logic, Semantics and Theory of Programming. 

SUBMISIONS: Authors are invited to submit extended abstract of their

papers, presenting original contributions to the theory of computer

science. Detailed instructions for paper submissions will be found on

the conference webpage (http://www.lcc.uma.es/icalp2002) and in future

calls for papers. Submissions should consist of: a cover page, with the

author's full name, address, fax number, e-mail address, a 100-word

abstract, keywords and to which track (A or B) the paper is being

submitted and an extended abstract describing original research. At

least one author of an accepted paper should be available to present it

at the conference. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with

published proceedings is not allowed. 

Further information (dates and instructions for submissions, workshops,

registration, location and travel) will be provided in future


ORGANIZING COMMITEE: Buenaventura Clares (University of Granada),

Ricardo Conejo (University of Málaga), Inmaculada Fortes (University of

Málaga), Llanos Mora (University of Málaga), Rafael Morales (co-Chair,

University of Málaga), Marlon Nuñez (University of Málaga), José Luis

Pérez de la Cruz (University of Málaga), Gonzalo Ramos (University of

Málaga), Francisco Triguero (co-Chair, University of Málaga), José Luis

Triviño (University of Málaga). 


Workshops proposal: November 8, 2001 

Submissions: January 14, 2002 

Notification: March 20, 2002 


Prof. Francisco Triguero

Prof. Rafael Morales 

Universidad de Málaga 

E.T.S. Ingeniería Informática 

Dept. Lenguajes y Ciencias de la Computación 

Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 35 

29071 - Málaga (SPAIN) 

e-mail: icalp2002@informatica.uma.es 


Track A 

Ricardo Baeza-Yates (U. Chile) 

Volker Diekert (U. Stuttgart) 

Paolo Ferragina (U. Pisa) 

Catherine Greenhill (U. Melbourne) 

Torben Hagerup (U. Frankfurt) 

Johan Håstad (KTH, Stockholm) 

Gabriel Istrate (Los Alamos) 

Claire Kenyon (U. Paris XI) 

Der-Tsai Lee (Acad. Sinica, Taipei) 

Heikki Mannila (Nokia, Helsinki) 

Elvira Mayordomo (U. Zaragoza) 

Helmut Prodinger (U. Witwatersrand, South Africa) 

Jan van Leeuwen(U. Utrecht) 

Paul Vitányi (CWI, Amsterdam) 

Peter Widmayer (ETH Zürich) (Chair) 

Gerhard Woeginger (T.U. Graz) 

Christos Zaroliagis (U. Patras) 

Track B 

Martín Abadi (Bell Labs Research, Lucent) 

Roberto Amadio (U. Provence) 

Gilles Barthe (INRIA-SophiaAntipolis) 

Manfred Droste (University of Technology Dresden) 

Cédric Fournet (Microsoft Cambridge) 

Matthew Hennessy (U. Sussex) (Chair) 

Furio Honsell (U. Udine) 

Peter O'Hearn (Queen Mary & W. C. London) 

Fernando Orejas (U.P.Catalunya) 

Ernesto Pimentel (U. Málaga) 

David Sands (Chalmers University of Technology and Göteborg University) 

Dave Schmidt (U. Kansas) 

Gheorghe Stefanescu (U. Bucharest) 

Vasco Vasconcelos (U. Lisbon) 

Thomas Wilke (U. Kiel)


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