Another question about sharing
Adrian Hey
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 05:49:41 +0000
If I have..
data Path = L Path | R Path | T
paths = T : branch paths
branch (p:ps) = L p : R p : branch ps
This will be a CAF which can never be garbage collected, but
may grow indefinitely large as it gets reduced. Correct?
Is it possible to avoid this problem somehow? What I have
in mind is a special thunk which get's copied (as a normal
thunk) before it gets reduced. Pointer references are
preserved during copying, except self referential pointers,
which are updated to point to the new thunk.
I had thought maybe a function with a dummy argument
like this would do..
paths x = let paths' = T : branch paths'
in paths'
But the paths' will just be lambda lifted as a CAF
(I believe)
This seems to solve the lambda lifting problem..
paths x = T : branch (paths x)
but I'm not sure how compilers will treat this.
I think I'll also loose the sharing of earilier
paths in new paths, unless the compiler optimises
the self reference.
If I redefined my datatype..
data Path x = L (Path x) | R (Path x) | T x
I could then use the function with dummy argument
paths x = let paths' = T x : branch paths'
in paths'
This seems to solve both problems, but there's
yet another problem I anticipate..
When using any of these dummy argument solutions
I have to make sure the argument is not a constant (or
I'm back to the lambda lifting problem again). So it
has to be any handy unknown variable (argument)?
This presents the problem that the unknown variable
may itself be quite large, and have it's lifetime
unduly prolonged because it's now referenced by
many paths.
Any advice?
Adrian Hey