PEPM'02 -- call for participation
Peter Thiemann
03 Dec 2001 14:51:27 +0100
2002 ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on
Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation (PEPM'02)
Portland, Oregon, USA, January 14-15, 2002
(colocated with POPL'02)
The PEPM'02 workshop will bring together researchers working in the
areas of semantics-based program manipulation, partial evaluation, and
program generation. The workshop focuses on techniques, supporting
theory, and applications of the analysis and manipulation of programs.
Monday, 14 January 2002
8:45 WELCOME (chair: PT)
9:00 Invited Talk: Staged Compilation
Craig Chambers (U Washington)
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Towards Bridging the Gap Between Programming Languages and Partial Evaluation
Anne-Francoise Le Meur, Julia L. Lawall, Charles Consel (INRIA/LaBRI, France)
11:00 Online Partial Evaluation for Shift and Reset
Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University, Japan)
11:30 Growing Languages with Metamorphic Syntax Macros
Claus Brabrand, Michael I. Schwartzbach (BRICS, University of Aarhus, Denmark)
12:00 LUNCH
14:00 From Checking to Inference via Driving and Dag Grammars
Jens Peter Secher and Morten Heine Sřrensen (DIKU, Denmark)
14:30 Cost-Augmented Narrowing-Driven Specialization
Germán Vidal (DSIC, Technical University of Valencia, Spain)
15:00 Path Dependent Analysis of Logic Programs
Lunjin Lu (Oakland University, USA)
15:30 BREAK
16:00 Automatic Time-Bound Analysis for a Higher-Order Language
Gustavo Gómez and Yanhong A. Liu (Indiana University, USA)
16:30 Compositionality in the Puzzle of Semantics
Roberto Giacobazzi, Isabella Mastroeni
(Dipartimento di Informatica, Universita' degli studi di Verona, Italy)
Tuesday, 15 January 2002
9:00 shared WITS-Session "Non-Interference and Probability"
10:30 BREAK
11:00 Invited Talk: Implementation of Automatic Differentiation Tools
Christian Bischof (Technical University of Aachen, Germany),
Paul Hovland, Boyana Norris (Argonne National Laboratory, USA),
12:00 LUNCH
14:00 Program Optimization Using Indexed and Recursive Data Structures
Yanhong A. Liu and Scott D. Stoller
(State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA)
14:30 Mixed-Initiative Interaction = Mixed Computation
Naren Ramakrishnan, Robert Capra, Manuel Perez-Quinones
(Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech, USA)
15:00 CPS Translating Inductive and Coinductive Types
Gilles Barthe (INRIA, France),
Tarmo Uustalu (University of Minho, Portugal)