Efficient way to perform independent processing of list from IO?
Thomas Hallgren
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 13:43:12 -0700
mctague@one.net wrote:
>Is there a more
>memory-efficient approach, perhaps exploiting laziness somehow?
The libraries supplied with HBC (*) include a function called
readListLazily, which I have taken the liberty to enclose below.
Hopefully, it will help you solve the problem.
Thomas Hallgren
(*) See http://www.haskell.org/implementations.html
-- Copyright (c) 1982-1999 Lennart Augustsson, Thomas Johnsson
-- See LICENSE for the full license.
-- Read a list lazily (in contrast with reads which requires
-- to see the ']' before returning the list.
readListLazily :: (Read a) => String -> [a]
readListLazily cs =
case lex cs of
[("[",cs)] -> readl' cs
_ -> error "No leading '['"
where readl' cs =
case reads cs of
[(x,cs)] -> x : readl cs
[] -> error "No parse for list element"
_ -> error "Ambigous parse for list element"
readl cs =
case lex cs of
[("]",_)] -> []
[(",",cs)] -> readl' cs
_ -> error "No ',' or ']'"