Fri, 27 Apr 2001 10:22:39 +0200
Gepost in fa.haskell in reactie op een mail met subject: help!!!
Cadena Silva Andres wrote:
> I need examples of trees please.
No problem!
Lemme see now...
There's oak, scarlet oak, bur oak, pin oak, northern red oak, shingle oak,
swamp white oak, pine, Scotch pine, Austrian pine, willow, white willow,
birch, redwood, mulberry, apple, cherry, black cherry, Oriental cherry, yew,
hazel, juniper, alder, ash, elm, holly, poplar, aspen, maple, hedge maple,
trident maple, Arnur maple, shagbark maple, sugar maple, paperbark maple,
Japanese maple, black maple, Norway maple, Crimson King Norway maple,
Tatarian maple, red maple, autumn flame red maple, october glory red maple,
silver maple, Beebee silver maple, Freeman maple, White Tigress maple,
rowan, hemlock, larch, cedar, spruce, white fir, Nikko fir, Douglas fir,
Nordmann fir, sequoia, yellow buckeye, Ohio buckeye, hickory, bitternut
hickory, shagbark hickory, northern catalpa, filbert, dogwood, hawthorn,
hornbeam, American hophornbeam, persimmon, silverbell, magnolia, Franklin,
lacebark, pear, sassafras, lilac, corktree, Ohio buckeye, red buckeye,
chestnut, horsechestnut, European horsechestnut, Brioti red horsechestnut,
serviceberry, walnut, black walnut, sweetgum, crabapple, Japanese Zelkova,
Japanese pagodatree, elder, boxelder, Mimosa, orange, Cockspur hawthorn,
Washington hawthorn, tulip, sourwood, palm, forest pansy redbud, maidenhair,
ginkgo, photinia, black locust, sunburst thornless honeylocust, cypress,
weeping nootka false cypress, and, last but not least, the charmingly named
American bladdernut.
You need any more, just holler, y'hear?
Frank Atanassow, Information & Computing Sciences, Utrecht University
Padualaan 14, PO Box 80.089, 3508TB Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel +31 (0)30 253-3261 Fax +31 (0)30 251-3791
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