Mutually recursive bindings
Tom Pledger
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 11:49:56 +1300 (NZDT)
For this code (an example from the Combined Binding Groups section of
Mark Jones's "Typing Haskell in Haskell"):
f :: Eq a => a -> Bool
f x = (x == x) || g True
g y = (y <= y) || f True
Haskell infers the type:
g :: Ord a => a -> Bool
but if the explicit type signature for f is removed, we get:
f, g :: Bool -> Bool
So, why do both GHC and Classic Hugs accept the following program?
module Main where
fFix g x = (x == x) || g True
gFix f y = (y <= y) || f True
fMono x = fFix gMono x
gMono y = gFix fMono y
f x = fFix gMono x
g y = gFix fMono y
main = print (f "I am not a Boolean.")
They both reject it if fMono replaces f in the last line. But the
transformation seemed quite mechanical: move the guts of the mutually
recursive functions into new non-recursive functions, and define new
polymorphic functions which look like repeats of the monomorphic
mutually recursive functions.
Would it be an outright win to have this done automatically?