Remove eq and show from num class

Herbert Valerio Riedel hvriedel at
Fri Sep 8 08:43:29 UTC 2017

On 2017-09-08 at 09:19:54 +0200, Anthony Clayden wrote:


> If this is to the committee, shouldn't it be on the committee list? 
> (I mean ghc-steering-committee.)

> Or is there some other committee? I thought the Haskell-prime forum
> and process was dead/replaced by the github proposals process?

I can see how the proliferation of committees & github repos may
seem confusing to casual observers, so let me provide a quick overview
which hopefully doesn't worsen the confusion... :-)

## Haskell Core Library Committee


Basically, the core library committee oversees decisions of what happens
with core libraries such as `base` which includes the API defined by the
Haskell library report. However, the Eq/Show=>Num superclass removal proposal
however predates the core libraries committee's existence (the CLC was
originally formed sometime around 2013 to design and manage big changes
such as the implementation of the Functor/Applicative/Monad proposal --
for which there was big community support but lack of leadership was
preventing its implementation).

Moreover, the CLC together with the Hackage Trustees also maintains the specification which is integral to the
way Hackage and the Cabal solver interact.

## Haskell Language Committee (aka Haskell Prime Committee)


So this committee's incarnation has just been formed last year; it's a
bit too early to declare it dead.

## GHC Steering Committee


This is mostly about user-facing changes to GHC and was created shortly
after the prime committee's formation was announced. It surely wasn't
intended to replace the prime committee, but was rather formed as a
reaction to complaints about GHC's governance, you can read up about its
intent at


Not all changes are even relevant to the Haskell Report (like
e.g. warning flags); but Report-relevant changes may start their
life-cycle as GHC extensions to get some empirical field-testing, and if
desirable to later be promoted to Haskell Prime proposals subject to the
Prime process.

## Other Committees

For completeness, here's a few other Haskell-related committees and/or
working-group like processes OTTOMH:

### committee


### The Website Working Group (HWWG)


### Haskell Ecosystem Proposals


### Industrial Haskell Group


### Commercial Haskell Group



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