Process question
Mario Blažević
mblazevic at
Wed Oct 5 14:50:52 UTC 2016
On 2016-10-04 01:09 PM, Iavor Diatchki wrote:
> Hello,
> Now that we've started with a few proposal, I am realizing that I have
> no idea how to proceed from here. In particular:
> 1. How would I request I proposal to be rejected
> 2. How would I request that a proposal be accepted
I don't know if we need to fix the acceptance/rejection process so
early on. Once a new proposal is merged in, it need not be immediately
accepted or rejected. It could just collect comments and adjustments. I
see no point in voting for acceptance or rejection until the time comes
to prepare Haskell 2020.
If my understanding of the process is correct, this raises two more
groups of questions.
1. I assume we'd use GitHub issues to discuss and/or point flaws in a
particular proposal?
1a. If so, it would be nice to group together all issues related to a
paricular proposal, but GitHub issues don't come with much metadata. Do
we prescribe some keyword that has to be specified in the subject of
each proposal-related issue?
1b. There could be a special "Accept me" issue for each proposal used
for tracking its status. GitHub issues can be assigned to milestones,
such as "Accepted for Haskell2020", "Last Call for Votes", "Awaiting
Comments", or "Work In Progress".
2. How do we prepare the actual Haskell 2020 language report? The report
is more than a collection of disparate proposals. The Haskell 2010
report also contains errors whose fixing shouldn't require writing up a
whole language proposal.
2a. Would the current text of the Haskell' language report be stored in
the same GitHub repository with the RFCs? If not, where else?
2b. Would we merge each proposal into the language report as soon as
it's accepted? Whose responsibility would this (largely mechanical)
process be?
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