Limber separators

David Luposchainsky dluposchainsky at
Fri May 6 17:22:04 UTC 2016

I frequently run into the (relatively minor) list comma problem when writing
testsuites. I'd welcome a grammar change that simply skips all commas before "]"
and after "[" or similar.

I think this issue is related to TupleSections in that Haskell does not provide
good syntax for these common cases. However, as mentioned, we should be careful
to introduce syntax for convenience: without a principled approach, we'll end up
with sugar soup.

I for one need "-XTailingListCommas" much more often than tuple sections, so when
weighing those extensions against each other, I'm very much on the list side.

Just for confirmation, you meant

> [ Foo
> , Bar
> , Fu
> , Baz ]

and not

> [ Foo
> , Bar
> , Fu
> , Baz
> ]

in your email, right?


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