Proposition: accessory functions which are local to type.

Evgenij Evgenij1 at
Thu Jul 15 14:12:17 EDT 2010

It looks my proposal is almost a duplicate of TNDR. If I understand correctly, 
TNDR still uses a global function scope with some sort of Ad-Hoc, while I 
suggested that you can create a function which scope is local to a specified 
type, meaning - function is in scope only if 
The name "access" is completely free for a global scope decalaration and it is 
localy defined in cassess if there is a correct type on left side.
> Hello Evgenij,
> the TDNR proposal seems related to yours:
> ion
> It would be useful to highlight and motivate the differences to help
> others judge your proposal.
> Cheers,
> Sebastian

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