Fixity was: Negation

Christian Maeder Christian.Maeder at
Sun Feb 14 09:25:55 EST 2010

S. Doaitse Swierstra schrieb:
> weird :: Int -> Int
> weird = (if True then 3 else 5+)
> is perfectly correct Haskell?

Yes, this is legal according to the grammar
but rejected by ghc and hugs, because "5+" is illegal.

The problem is to allow let-, if-, do-, and lambda-expressions
to the left of operators (qop), because for those the meta rule
"extend as far as possible" should apply.

Switching to the new grammar

infixexp -> exp10 qop infixexp
            | - infixexp
            | exp10

should be replaced by:

infixexp -> fexp qop infixexp
           | exp10

(omitting the negate rule)

or shorter: "infixexp -> { fexp qop } exp10"

Left sections should look like:

 ( {fexp qop} fexp qop )

It would be even possible to avoid parenthesis around sections, because
a leading or trailing operator (or just a single operator) uniquely
determines the kind of expression.

Negation should be added independently to fexp (and possibly to exp10, too)

fexp 	 -> 	 [fexp] aexp 	 (function application)
minusexp -> fexp | - fexp

infixexp -> minusexp qop infixexp
           | exp10
           | - exp10

(unless some wants the old FORTRAN behaviour of unary "-" to bind weaker
than infix multiplication and exponentiation.)

Cheers Christian

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