
Atze Dijkstra atze at
Wed Feb 10 02:53:16 EST 2010

On  10 Feb, 2010, at 00:53 , Lennart Augustsson wrote:

> Do you deal with this correctly as well:
>  case () of _ -> 1==1==True

No, that is, in the same way as GHC & Hugs, by reporting an error. The  
report acknowledges that compilers may not deal with this correctly  
when it has the form ``let x=() in 1=1=True'' (or a if/\... ->  
prefix), but does not do so for your example. It is even a bit more  
complicated of the layout rule because

case () of _ -> 1==1

is accepted.

I think the combination of layout rule, ambiguity disambiguated by a  
'extend as far as possible to the right' rule, fixity notation as  
syntax directives (but not separated as such), makes the language  
design at some points rather complex to manage implementationwise in a  
compiler. Like all we do our best to approach the definition. When  
possible I'd prefer changes in the language which simplify matters  
(like a simpler way of dealing with negate as proposed), at least with  
these syntactical issues.

> On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:43 PM, S. Doaitse Swierstra <doaitse at 
> > wrote:
>> One we start discussing syntax again it might be a good occasion to
>> reformulate/make more precise a few points.
>> The following program is accepted by the Utrecht Haskell Compiler  
>> (here we
>> took great effort to follow the report closely ;-} instead of  
>> spending our
>> time on n+k patterns), but not by the GHC and Hugs.
>> module Main where
>> -- this is a (rather elaborate) definition of the number 1
>> one = let x=1 in x
>> -- this is a definition of the successor function using section  
>> notation
>> increment = ( one + )
>> -- but if we now unfold the definition of one we get a parser error  
>> in GHC
>> increment' = ( let x=1 in x  +  )
>> The GHC and Hugs parsers are trying so hard to adhere to the meta  
>> rule that
>> bodies of let-expressions
>> extend as far as possible when needed in order to avoid ambiguity,  
>> that they
>> even apply that rule when there is no ambiguity;
>> here we have  only a single possible parse, i.e. interpreting the  
>> offending
>> expression as ((let x = 1 in ) +).
>> Yes, Haskell is both a difficult language to parse and to describe
>> precisely.
>> Doaitse
>> On 8 feb 2010, at 17:18, Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
>>> Folks
>>> Which of these definitions are correct Haskell?
>>> x1 = 4 + -5
>>> x2 = -4 + 5
>>> x3 = 4 - -5
>>> x4 = -4 - 5
>>> x5 = 4 * -5
>>> x6 = -4 * 5
>>> Ghc accepts x2, x4, x6 and rejects the others with a message like
>>> Foo.hs:4:7:
>>>  Precedence parsing error
>>>      cannot mix `+' [infixl 6] and prefix `-' [infixl 6] in the  
>>> same infix
>>> expression
>>> Hugs accepts them all.
>>> I believe that the language specifies that all should be rejected.
>>> I think that Hugs is right here.  After all, there is no ambiguity  
>>> in any
>>> of these expressions.  And an application-domain user found this  
>>> behaviour
>>> very surprising.
>>> I'm inclined to start a Haskell Prime ticket to fix this language
>>> definition bug.  But first, can anyone think of a reason *not* to  
>>> allow all
>>> the above?
>>> Simon
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                 - Atze -

Atze Dijkstra, Department of Information and Computing Sciences. /|\
Utrecht University, PO Box 80089, 3508 TB Utrecht, Netherlands. / | \
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