Proposal: change to qualified operator syntax

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at
Tue Jul 14 03:58:12 EDT 2009

>>            left section  right section   prefix
>> unqualified  (+ 1)         (1 +)           (+)
>> Haskell 98   (M.+ 1)       (1 M.+)         (M.+)
>> proposed     (`M.(+)` 1)   (1 `M.(+)`)     M.(+)
>>  or(*)     (M.(+) 1)     (flip M.(+) 1)

The last line is not correct.  (M.(+) 1) captures the first argument  
of the function, not the second like all the other entries in that  
column.  Likewise the flip variant captures the second arg, where all  
the others capture the first.


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