Proposal: change to qualified operator syntax

haskell at haskell at
Tue Jul 7 11:58:54 EDT 2009

Adding to an old thread:

I like to note that I'm against this proposal. The example given in
  namely [Red..] can be easily resolved by adding a space, thus [Red ..]. I 
use qualified operators occasionally, since I use NumericPrelude and thus 
have to import some things from Prelude in a qualified way. As there will 
appear more and more infix operators in libraries along with more name 
clashes (e.g. recently discussed List.++ and Monoid.++), qualified 
operator names will become not so uncommon. Of course, to keep the spirit 
of infix operators, you will better define custom operators locally, but 
this is only reasonable if you use an infix operator more than once.
  The current syntax is also in a way consistent, since e.g. (+) coincides 
with a two side operator section, which is no longer true with the new 
proposal. Also (...) and `...` are dual, which is a nice property.

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