
Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at
Mon Aug 3 05:44:30 EDT 2009

> all of these things are hurt by whitespace-sensitive syntax.  IMO,  
> we should think very carefully before introducing any.

Haskell already has plenty of whitespace sensitivity.  The layout rule  
is a pretty major part of the tradition.  Other places:

   * ( differs from (Just . foo)
   * --|        differs from -- |
   * With NegativeSyntax, (-1) would differ from (- 1)
   * In TemplateHaskell,  $x   differs from  $ x
   * In TemplateHaskell,  [d|  differs from  [ d |
   * With UnboxedTypes,   (#   differs from  ( #
   * With UnboxedTypes,   3#   differs from  3 #


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