Haskell' - class aliases
Claus Reinke
claus.reinke at talk21.com
Fri Apr 25 11:00:21 EDT 2008
>> Is this the most up-to-date description of the proposal?
>> http://repetae.net/recent/out/classalias.html
what sounds nice about the class alias proposal is that it is pure
sugar, at least to the extent that type aliases are, but the design
principle behind it seems to be that there should be a separate
class for each method (as in Clean?), and that any compound
classes should really just be class aliases (made to look like
compound classes by the sugar), so that rearranging compound
classes comes down to defining more aliases for the same
single-method base classes.
since this looks like class equivalence plus namespace handling,
i was wondering how far one could get without the proposed
extension. this is slightly more difficult than the proposed translation
(which splits compound aliases into their components, so that the
alias class is always translated away), but it might still be of interest.
consider the 'class alias FooBar a = (Foo a,Bar a)' example
from the proposal page. we define FooBar and Foor/Bar in
separate modules and use that for namespace management.
- FooAndBar defines Foo and Bar, as well as a type X
which is an instance of both
- FooBar defines FooBar, implicit derivations of FooBar
from Foo/Bar and vice-versa (the aliasing part), as well
as a type Y which is an instance of FooBar
FooBar also arranges for Y to be an instance of Foo/Bar,
and for X to be an instance of FooBar, via the implicit
derivations, but controlled by instances of How
note the class 'How' and its instances, which ensure that
any type class instance is either defined, or derived (in
a unique, specified way), but never both.
(1) instance method definitions by qualified names are
not permitted, leading to the confusing 'foo = foo'
(cf separate thread)
(2) overlapping instances, due to the derived instances;
it seems this can be held in check by the use of 'How',
at the expense of some extra parameters/contexts/
instances to control how each instance is defined/derived
example session:
*FooBar> foo (X 1)
*FooBar> bar 0 (X 1)
[X 1]
*FooBar> foo (Y 1)
*FooBar> bar 0 (Y 1)
[Y 1,Y 1]
*FooBar> FooAndBar.foo (X 1)
*FooBar> FooAndBar.foo (Y 1)
*FooBar> FooAndBar.bar 0 (X 1)
[X 1]
*FooBar> FooAndBar.bar 0 (Y 1)
[Y 1,Y 1]
*FooBar> :t foo
foo :: (FooBar a how) => a -> Bool
*FooBar> :t FooAndBar.foo
FooAndBar.foo :: (Foo a how) => a -> Bool
*FooBar> :t bar
bar :: (FooBar a how) => Int -> a -> [a]
*FooBar> :t FooAndBar.bar
FooAndBar.bar :: (Bar b how) => Int -> b -> [b]
i don't think i'd recommend this encoding style (it does not
quite fullfill the criterion of simplicity!-), but there you are:
class aliases encoded.
ps. (for the TF vs FD fans: replacing FD class 'How'
with a TF doesn't seem to work; a bug?)
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