Make it possible to evaluate monadic actions when assigning
record fields
apfelmus at
Thu Jul 12 10:40:51 EDT 2007
apfelmus wrote:
> In the end, I think that applicatively used monads are the wrong
> abstraction.
Simon Peyton-Jones wrote:
> Can you be more explicit? Monadic code is often over-linearised.
> I want to generate fresh names, say, and suddenly I have to name
> sub-expressions. Not all sub-expressions, just the effectful ones.
Neil Mitchell wrote:
> The monad in question simply supplies free variables, so could be
> applied in any order.
I see, the dreaded name-supply problem. Well, it just seems that monads
are not quite the right abstraction for that one, right? (Despite that
monads make up a good implementation). In other words, my opinion is
that it's not the monadic code that is over-linearized but the code that
is over-monadized.
The main property of a "monad" for name-supply is of course
f >> g = g >> f
modulo alpha-conversion. Although we have to specify an order, it's
completely immaterial. There _has_ to be a better abstraction than
"monad" to capture this!
> It'a a pain to define liftM_yes_no_yes which takes an effectful
> argument in first and third position, and a non-effectful one as
> the second arg:
> liftM_yes_no_yes :: (a->b->c->m d)
> -> m a -> b -> m c -> m d
> What a pain. So we have either
> do { ...; va <- a; vc <- c; f va b vc; ... }
> or
> do { ...; liftM_yes_no_yes f a b c; ...}
> or, with some syntactic sugar...
> do { ...; f $(a) b $(c); ...}
> The liftM solution is even more awkward if I want
> f (g $(a)) b c
> for example.
(the last one is already a typo, i guess you mean f $(g $(a)) b c)
> -- helpers, ' is yes, _ is no
> coreLet__ x y = f $ CoreLet x y
> coreLet_' x y = f . CoreLet x =<< y
> coreLet x y = f $ CoreLet x y
> f (CoreApp (CoreLet bind xs) ys) = coreLet bind $(coreApp xs ys)
Uhm, but you guys know that while (m a -> a) requires the proposed
syntactic sugar, (a -> m a) is easy?
r = return
elevateM f x1 = join $ liftM f x1
elevateM3 f x1 x2 x3 = join $ liftM3 f x1 x2 x3
do { ...; elevateM3 f a (r$ b) c; ...}
elevateM3 f (elevateM g a) (r$ b) (r$ c)
coreLet x y = liftM2 CoreLet x y >>= f
g (CoreApp (CoreLet bind xs) ys) = coreLet (r$ bind) (coreApp xs ys)
In other words, you can avoid creating special yes_no_yes wrappers by
creating a yes_yes_yes wrapper and turning a no into a yes here and
there. No need for turning yes into no.
One could even use left-associative infix operators
($@) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
($@@) :: Monad m => (m a -> b) -> a -> b
($@) = id
($@@) = id . return
and currying
elevateM3 f $@@ (elevateM g $@@ a) $@ b $@ c
g (CoreApp (CoreLet bind xs) ys) = coreLet $@ bind $@@ coreApp xs ys
The intention is that a (mixed!) sequence of operators should parse as
f $@ x1 $@@ x2 $@ x3 = ((f $@ x1) $@@ x2) $@ x3
Leaving such games aside, the fact that yes_yes_yes-wrappers subsumes
the others is a hint that types like
NameSupply Expr -> NameSupply Expr -> NameSupply Expr
are fundamental. In other words, the right type for expressions is
probably not Expr but NameSupply Expr with the interpretation that
the latter represents expressions with "holes" where the concrete names
for variables are filled in. The crucial point is that holes may be
_shared_, i.e. supplying free variable names will fill several holes
with the same name. Put differently, the question is: how to share names
without giving concrete names too early? I think it's exactly the same
question as
How to make sharing observable?
This is a problem that haunts many people and probably every
DSL-embedder (Lava for Hardware, Pan for Images, Henning Thielemann's
work on sound synthesis, Frisby for parser combinators). In a sense,
writing a Haskell compiler is similar to embedding a DSL.
I have no practical experiences with the name-supply problem. So, the
first question is: can the name-supply problem indeed be solved by some
form of observable sharing? Having a concrete toy-language showing
common patterns of the name-supply problem would be ideal for that.
The second task would be to solve the observable sharing problem, _that_
would require some syntactic sugar. Currently, one can use MonadFix to
"solve" it. Let's take parser combinators as an example. The
left-recursive grammar
digit -> 0 | .. | 9
number -> number' digit
number' -> ε | number
can be represented by something like
digit <- newRule $ foldr1 (|||) [0...9]
number <- newRule $ number' &&& digit
number' <- newRule $ empty ||| number
This way, we can observe the sharing and break the left recursion. But
of course, the monad is nothing more than syntactic sugar here, the
order does not matter at all. What we really want to write is a custom
digit = foldr1 (|||) [0..9]
number = number' &&& digit
number' = empty ||| number
and still be able to observe sharing.
> I'm thinking of this as a very superficial piece of syntactic sugar,
> aimed at avoiding the excessive linearization of monadic code. Nothing
I don't agree, the excessive linearization is a feature, not a bug. Even
if the sugar would be nothing deep, that shouldn't stop us from thinking
deeply about it :)
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